Thooyamalli rice is also called Jasmin rice. It is mostly grown in delta districts Tamilnadu. It is traditional rice variety that has been grown for many years and plays a significant role in the culinary legacy of the area. Crop duration 130 days with high resistance to pest. Broadcasted thooyamalli rice seeds in September and October, harvested in January and February, it height is 3 feet. Cooked as biryani, idli, dosa, pongal, variety rice etc.
- Good for diabetic
- Aids in weight loss
- Heart healthy
- Low glycemic index – Which means that kodo millets release glucose/energy slowly, over a longer period of time and thus helps in sugar control. This makes it a great substitute for polished white rice
- Gluten-free – Great for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
- Easy to digest
- Rich in antioxidants like polyphenols
- Rich in dietary fiber.
- Good source of vitamins – Vitamin B6, Niacin, folic acid and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc

Energy (kcal) | |
Fat (g) | |
Protein (g) | |
Carbohydrate (g) | |
Dietary fibre (g) |
- Ancient Indian medicine Ayurveda classifies Kodo millet as langhana, which means bringing lightness to the body and is included under the category of Trina Dhanya Varga – (grains that are produced by grass like plants). It is termed as a wholesome food, prized for its medicinal, therapeutic and culinary properties and is recommended for diabetics, to beat fatigue, heal wounds faster. Being cold in nature, it increases vata dosha but balances issues caused due to kapha and pitta doshas.
- Both Kodo millet and rice come with equal amount of nutrients. White rice is a good source of instant energy, carbohydrates, calcium, iron, thiamine, folate and Vitamin E. Kodo millets offer an impressive amount of protein, dietary fibre, good fats, calcium, and iron.
- While rice is easily digestible, Kodo millets being on low glycemic index are highly recommended for those with diabetics. Both are equally beneficial and cooked in different ways. Make it a point to include both rice and Kodo millets in right amounts for enjoying overall health benefits
- Millets are a tad hard to cook and would require exact amount of water to achieve that grainy texture
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